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You Should Insist on Data-driven Decision Making

A recent Harvard Business Review study found companies that rely on data expect better financial performance.

There are three critical pieces of data building owners need at every decision point on a construction project:

1. What will it cost up front?

2. What impact will it have on my building’s performance?

3. How much will it save me long term?

Typically, project teams are only given the answers to questions 1 and 2. But how can you make a good, data-driven decision if you don’t have the long-term impacts on your building? To reach better financial performance, you must insist on all three pieces of data.

The owner’s decision matrix is an AUROS360 system designed to give building owners all the data necessary to make high quality decisions.

📷Owner’s Decision Matrix

It’s a Balancing Act

The Owner’s Decision Matrix creates the structure whereby every project stakeholder can input their best ideas and instantaneously see the impact that decision has on other key metrics. At all times, owners can assess the financial and building performance trade-offs necessary to accommodate changes in strategy or tactics on a construction project. With holistic data at their fingertips, owners can make life-cycle decisions for their buildings.

Most importantly, building operators are no longer left with the responsibility of solving energy consumption and indoor air quality concerns independent of the design and construction process. Building operators are provided the tools and connection required to design and construct a smart building, ensuring building performance as-designed.

To bring data-driven decision making to your building project, call the AUROS Group

We deliver Evidence-based Performance to building owners, developers and architects.

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