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Being WELL with AUROS360

Updated: Nov 9, 2018

WELL being is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.

AUROS Group is Proud to be WELL AP Certified

Being WELL AP certified demonstrates knowledge in WELL Building Standard practices and principles that qualifies the AUROS Group to support the WELL-based performance system. The WELL Building Standard (WELL) is a signal to the world that people come first. WELL offers a framework to help improve health and well-being for everyone who visits, works in, or experiences your building. WELL consists of features across seven concepts that comprehensively addresses not only the design and operations of buildings, but also how buildings impact and influence occupants in terms of health and well-being.

Air – WELL promotes strategies to reduce or minimize sources of indoor air pollution.

Water – WELL promotes high quality water and improved accessibility.

Nourishment – WELL limits the presence of unhealthy foods and can encourage better food culture.

Light – WELL promotes lighting systems designed to increase alertness, enhance experience, and promote sleep.

Fitness – WELL encourages the integration of exercise and fitness into everyday life.

Comfort – WELL creates distraction-free, productive and comfortable indoor environments.

Mind – WELL optimizes cognitive and emotional health through design, technology and treatment strategies.

The science around WELL buildings is growing every day. There is plenty of empirical evidence suggesting that the air quality in a building affects productivity, physical health and emotional well-being of occupants.

AUROS360 balances WELL certification with Evidence-based Performance, ensuring that buildings operate as intended. AUROS360’s smart building infrastructure is compatible with all of the IAQ/IEQ monitor and sensor requirements from the WELL standard. We visualize energy and IAQ/IEQ trended data with integrated targets developed during design and construction. The integrated targets are dynamic data sets exported from an IES VE sustainability model.

Further, AUROS360 identifies synergies with sustainability program-based strategies, as well as performance-based goals. AUROS360 is effectively a crosswalk through alternative sustainability programs built on the foundation of Evidence-based Performance. Pursuing WELL certification does not mean you have to give up on alternative sustainability strategies which may align closer to your Evidence-based Performance project goals.

We deliver Evidence-based Performance to building owners, developers and architects.


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